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Click "Give" above to donate by credit card (either one time or as a recurring donation).


At Beloved Everybody Church, we strive to keep our expenses low, for the community's sustainability and so members who may not have much extra money to give can know that their contributions of other gifts to our life together are even more vital. But we do have financial needs to cover, and are super grateful for your ongoing support of our innovative, inclusive community! 


We use our budget for things like the following: 


  • Art supplies for interactive church activities.

  • ​Other items needed for the interactive rituals and activities at our gatherings (music, photos, printouts, etc.).

  • Online meeting, email, and graphics subscriptions.

  • Equipment for leading worship online.

  • Income for paid staff.

  • Guest leaders/speakers.

  • Space rental for ability-inclusive community events.

  • Community events and causes.

  • Institutional Mission Partner with National Black Presbyterian Caucus.

  • Social media advertising.

  • Website hosting and maintenance.

  • Food, drinks, supplies (cups, plates, utensils) for our gatherings.


As our community grows and changes, our areas of expense will change with it. But this is where we are now! You can click the button below to give a one-time gift, or to set up automatic monthly giving. The automatic monthly giving option is really helpful in helping us become sustainable and knowing we have some incoming budget to count on. 


*Donations are tax deductible.


We're truly grateful for your prayers, encouragement, and financial contribution of any amount to support our ongoing work experimenting with what it means to be a truly ability-inclusive, accessible church community! We hope more and more to celebrate the presence and gifts of every person we meet, and to continue to live up to our name where we recognize that everybody is indeed beloved.


We welcome everyone's gifts, and always can use help in all kinds of ways. If you want to share some of your time and strengths with us, we'd love to talk about how you can!


We have faith community gatherings over Zoom, and other events as scheduled. Email us for more info!

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Part of 1001 New Worshiping Communities

of the Presbyterian Church (USA)


© 2022 Beloved Everybody

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